Saturday, February 26, 2011

Things that BUG ME

I'll have to follow this list up tomorrow with things that make me happy- because this was a total bitch session....but these are things that BUG ME!!!
Feel free to add more to the comments section below. I did have some help from some good friends, that will remain nameless! ENJOY....

There/Their Errors
Not that hard, people.

Floaties that melt from your ice into your cup
EWWW! WHAT IS THAT STUFF? It lingers in the bottom of your glass as the ice melts.

Tell the truth.

Colored bra straps
mmmm TACKY, I don't care who you are.

People who don't wash their hands
Gross. I hope you get sick. You are the reason I can't open the door without a paper towel.

Uncovered food in the fridge

Nail Biters
Get your hands out of your mouth- you're getting your spit everywhere.

Wearing Leggings as Pants
Seriously- COVER YO' ASS. Put it away- leggings are for underneath clothing.

Leading Facebook status' BEGGING for people to ask, "What's wrong?"
Such as: I just can't believe this is happening. Or: I'm so sad.
Just begging someone to write back WHY?
Don't be annoying and say what's wrong already!

Long toenails
Grrrrross. Cut those things! You're gonna trip and fall.

I'm all for looking hot, not matter what  your age. But seriously?? You need to ACT your age. Otherwise you just look like a wannabe college chick.

Sharing Milk
Just grosses me out. Bugs my mom too.

Big kids that are spoon fed
If your kid is over....I don't know-3ish and you are STILL spoon feeding them...maybe you should try and teach them how to hold their own untensil and airplane it into their own little mouth!  You aren't doing your kid any favors. This looks exceptionally bad in the cafeteria room at school. Teach them to feed themselves.

Cell phones at the dinner table
Video Games and TVs too!

Predictive Text
I am not a fan of this! I know what I'm trying to say! I don't need your help!

Crust on Mustard Bottles
You know-- that yucky chunk of dried mustard that gets stuck in the tip.....?? ICK

People who don't answer their phone, but will text back
RUDE! Nevermind then.

Loose change in cupholders
It get's all stuck to the bottom and mixed with crumbs and eventually turns into the goo covered penny.

Arm Slappers
Hiya. Don't touch me. You don't have to knock the crap outta my arm while you're talking to me. We aren't even friends!

Kids who are sent to school loaded with Tylenol...when they have FEVER
Don't be that parent! Keep your kid at home. It's inconsiderate.

Thongs that show
Put your butt floss away. Ew.

BandAid Sticky that won't come off
I don't like that black stuff that just won't wash off after you've worn a bandaid. It's permanent glue!

Pens that don't write
WRITE! It's your job! If not-then someone throw you in the trash!!

Dog Hair in the Pool!!!

Stubbing your toe while running to the phone


Broken glass on the floor
 Great! Now we have to wear our shoes FOREVER! The only thing that might be worse than this is dropping the gallon of milk!! What a mess!

That yucky edge that forms when you're scrambling eggs
What is that stuff? It's like plastic. I can't eat it.

Zits that magically appear the day you have something important to do

Dropping your keys when you're trying to unlock the door with your hands full of groceries

When your hubby or mom asks, "Are you going to wear that?" When you are dressed and ready go.
Um- well I WAS!!!
Stupid people that won't stop talking
Oh don't act like you don't know this person!! The one that makes the meeting last a little too long, the stupid question asker, the "I can tell you all about that" because YOU CARE, right? person.

